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When he was 14, Smith drowned in Lake St. Louis and was dead for nearly an hour. According to reports at the time, CPR was performed 27 minutes to no avail. Then the youth’s mother, Joyce Smith, entered the room, praying loudly. Suddenly, there was a pulse, and Smith came around.


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at 4:07 am

Yeah. Wow. Such a “breakthrough.”

Kid falls in cold af lake and it’s “estimated” to have been in 30 min. We all know what cold water can do for the brain when it had been cutoff from oxygen. It preserves the brain with some, but (usually) limited, damage.

Doctors do CPR for what “seems like” 30 min (actually 10 probably) and while they do his brain is thawing. Neurons are beginning to fire a few at a time. Then some more. And more.

And then there’s the catalyst (like always in these types of stories) that finally registers in this kid’s brain: his mother’s voice. For some it’s a splash of cold water. For others, it’s a slap to the face. Others may jolt back to life after a loved, gripped with shiny and despair, pounds their fists on the victim’s chest.

In this case, the mother’s voice, which is heard by the boy while in this twilight state between life and death, is the spark that reignites the “flame” in this boy’s brain.

TL;DR: Science is fucking cool as fuck. Shit almost gives me a boner. (Jk. It actually does.Wait not the boy part. Just the sciency shit). Mom speaks a few words to imaginary being which scares kid so badly bc he thinks he back at church with the diddling priest that his brain sparks back up.
Conclusion = Definitely a miracle and not cool af biology/neuroscience/evolution

WayTL;SafDR: Miracles are bullshit. Science give you boners.

Source: I died for 6 min and did not receive colonoscopy from an angel or see any giving bright lights. But I did see a version of my life’s memories. That was scary af and cool at the same time.